Sunday, February 2, 2014


The whole day celebration of Brett 45th birthday started out with a breakfast surprise in Rustic Morning located in Marikina City.  It was just a family affair but nevertheless we succeeded in surprising the celebrant.  The plan was Nadine had to convince Brett to go for a jog while the rest of the family went ahead to Rustic Morning.
Aside from the main reason that we are celebrating the birthday of my brother in law, the place somehow added to our excitement.  I would consider the place as shabby chic.  Everything I see makes the place lovely even if those are just old bottles, old window panes old wrought iron chairs but when they put them all together it forms a gorgeous piece.  It was evident to me that blue and white are the significant colors of the restaurant.  Among my favorite was this white wall which is filled with tiny blue glasses and cups as accent to the wall.  Another thing that caught my attention was the knit cover for the pitcher, a simple water pitcher was exquisite with the knit cloth to cover it and  with shells hanging on it.

 Rustic Morning by Isabelo is like a hidden garden in the city.  It is located right across the San Roque church and the shoe museum in Marikina.  The narrow street named Isabelo st., and coming from the museum or the church, would just be few steps until u see the gate and the sign board of the restaurant.

We started our breakfast with the basket of bread.  It was served with butter and and the jam which I didn't try cos I opted for the butter.  The rest of us took different breakfast meals just so we will get to try a bit of everything. I chose to have the pork BBQ crackling sandwich.  Thumbs up for the sandwich.  Another favorite are their pancakes and their strawberry milk shake.  By the way the food is serve in large portion. A meal can be shared by two.

 I do think that we made Brett's birthday breakfast a memorable one.  The place, the food, and his company somehow added to make it a special birthday breakfast.  Rustic Mornings is a great place for breakfast with families.  Its like an extension of our homes, maybe because the things surrounding it can be identified with things in our own homes.  A great place with a special breakfast birthday party made our morning on Feb1, 2014.

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