Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love apart

As the vision of you appeared in my sight
I embraced my pillow so tight
And prayed so hard due to fright
Cos I dread another lonely night.

Sleepy eyes thanks for coming
Let me dream to stop this endless longing
Make it wonderful I keep on hoping
For my man whom I am missing.

On with the dreams do not make it fast
Only here we are together and not so apart
What my heart longs for what else do I want
That dream will come true and will last.

At least we can have more time to share
Then I can show my man how much I care
Protect him from the cold nights by warm embrace
And let him get over with the emptiness.

Perhaps this way we will have  each day
To just sit down and us will stay
And I will not be in a hurry to say
How much he really means to me.

Then I realized I am only dreaming
These wants keep me wondering
Because they say love is never demanding
But then again I am still wishing.

There are times when things go wrong
Just teach me to be faithful and strong
For it is hard to be apart
But man you will always be in my heart.

Monday, February 3, 2014


The whole day celebration of Brett's birthday ended in an evening dinner In Patio Vera, Marikina. My sister made a reservation for a group of 15, a family gathering. Some of the invited were at the venue when we got there.

 It was my first time in Patio Vera. I have read about it in some blogs and the reviews were most particular of the place. First thing that strucked me was the  location of the resto. If not of the staffs who were outside to help and welcome diners, I will never know that there is going on in that particular spot. Patio Vera is along a residential street and I was informed later that it was actually a  residential house turned into a dining haven.

Our reservation was an indoor table..behind was a white wall with mirrors, frames, lamps on it. I can't help but be astounded of the things surrounding the table, vintage stuffs like vintage shoes, old lamps, vintage chairs etc.These are the things I love. Even our tables, one was made of capiz windows and the other table was made of aged woods.. they just put a glass on top of it, and it was a nice piece already. I liked it so much. I was so thrilled of what to see...I was so eager to look around but then food was served already..

Patio Vera serves crackers along with a dip as appetizer.  To add to that, we ordered for gambas as we  wait for the main menu.  Chicken Binakol served as our soup.  Chicken Binakol is like a tinola only that binakol has shredded coconut on it.  Main dish includes callos ala vera, pork humba which did not pass my palate because of the taste of anise on it, chicken pipino the favorite of the group, chopsuey for our veggies and paella mariscus my personal favorite. The food I would say was superb, again I love particulary the paella mariscus.  It was loaded with seafoods  from clams to squid to prawns and veggies too.  A complete meal actually.  Dessert was the fried halo halo. It is basically like turon, but instead of just banana..most of the ingredients of halo halo like beans, ube, leche flan, banana are wrapped and instead of scrumbbled ice, they put vanilla ice cream inside.  While the guys are having their beer, we decided to explore the place.

  Luckily we met the grandson of the owner of the place so he ushered us inside the house.  I was flabbergasted with their collection of antiques. So when I commented on their huge collection, the grandson informed me that it came from their individual different collections. I fell in love again with this wood door which I was informed they  got from an old church.

As to the outside setting, there are  comfy coaches under big tents, surrounded by plants and trees and again vintage stuffs, with candles and garden lights, make an outdoor dinner cozy and or romantic if with your special someone.

The owners are very accommodating. Patio Vera is definitely among my "go to" place. I will definitely refer this to friends. No one should miss out a cozy and good food in one place... and it is just within the city. Prices are reasonable, service was satisfying and for vintage lovers like me, such a thrill to see things I love in a place like patio Vera.
Best way of ending the all day celebration of Brett, was being with the family.  I know family matters to him, so I am sure that he will consider this birthday as happy one too.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


The whole day celebration of Brett 45th birthday started out with a breakfast surprise in Rustic Morning located in Marikina City.  It was just a family affair but nevertheless we succeeded in surprising the celebrant.  The plan was Nadine had to convince Brett to go for a jog while the rest of the family went ahead to Rustic Morning.
Aside from the main reason that we are celebrating the birthday of my brother in law, the place somehow added to our excitement.  I would consider the place as shabby chic.  Everything I see makes the place lovely even if those are just old bottles, old window panes old wrought iron chairs but when they put them all together it forms a gorgeous piece.  It was evident to me that blue and white are the significant colors of the restaurant.  Among my favorite was this white wall which is filled with tiny blue glasses and cups as accent to the wall.  Another thing that caught my attention was the knit cover for the pitcher, a simple water pitcher was exquisite with the knit cloth to cover it and  with shells hanging on it.

 Rustic Morning by Isabelo is like a hidden garden in the city.  It is located right across the San Roque church and the shoe museum in Marikina.  The narrow street named Isabelo st., and coming from the museum or the church, would just be few steps until u see the gate and the sign board of the restaurant.

We started our breakfast with the basket of bread.  It was served with butter and and the jam which I didn't try cos I opted for the butter.  The rest of us took different breakfast meals just so we will get to try a bit of everything. I chose to have the pork BBQ crackling sandwich.  Thumbs up for the sandwich.  Another favorite are their pancakes and their strawberry milk shake.  By the way the food is serve in large portion. A meal can be shared by two.

 I do think that we made Brett's birthday breakfast a memorable one.  The place, the food, and his company somehow added to make it a special birthday breakfast.  Rustic Mornings is a great place for breakfast with families.  Its like an extension of our homes, maybe because the things surrounding it can be identified with things in our own homes.  A great place with a special breakfast birthday party made our morning on Feb1, 2014.