Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Another reason to celebrate this December 22nd is the 40th birthday of Nadine. Brett took charge of everything from planning to the execution of the surprise party. I was in charge though of the guests list on our family side. 

The event was held in  Moms and Tinas Bakery Cafe in Pasig. It was an intimate dinner with relatives, friends and colleagues of the celebrant. White themed party because everyone was asked to be in their white clothes except the celebrant.  Nadine doesn't know the details of the party all she knew was it will be the usual dinner with the family. 

Unfortunately during this time of year metro manila is in its busiest state. As expected the party started an hour late. And some guests came late.  But we achieved surprising the celebrant.  When she entered the room she couldn't believe seeing her co workers, our cousins some of her friends, family from Nabas were there, singing the birthday song.  It definitely touched her cos Nadine cried.  As soon as everyone got to their seats, Brett presided over thanking everyone who came, and asked for messages from ate Lisa, auntie Cherry a co worker and a friend for the celebrant and of course a message from Aaron who also lead the prayer so as to start with the dinner.  After dinner everyone enjoyed dancing to the 80s music. 


There are small details too that impressed Nadine.  In the candy table Brett had 4 picture frames of the birthday girl from each decade in her 40 years and significant event during that year.  First when she was a baby, when she was 10 she won as runner up to the Ms. Science in our province, 20th  her graduation from college, got married at 30 and in her 40 was a family picture with the family.   There was this tarpaulene too of her with some of the popular women of her age.  I also like the sketch made by Dondie of Nadines face and of course the flowering plant for centerpiece which some guests took home as token.


The party was a chance on catching up with our cousins and friends. It was lots of laughs and 

some cry time too especially for Nadine who I guess got emotional from the messages for her. It was a nice party.  Everyone had fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

masquerade party


It was less than a month before the target party date when my cousin decided to push through with her plan of surprising her daughters with a super belated birthday party.  She contacted us for help so within that month span we did all the preparation for the said party.  Nadine took charge of contacting the suppliers.  So first thing first was to checked out some events place  and chose C3 in greenhills because of its accessibility.  Because of the limited time, we opted for some in house suppliers. 
Nadine and I made it sure that the celebrants will be a major part of the preparations.  So their inputs were important to us. We let them decide, and contribute ideas on how they want their party to be like.  Jillian and Mica wanted a masquerade party and it has to be black and red masquerade party. And we stick to it.

Next challenge was how we will have that masquerade ambiance.  Lots of ideas but we have to consider the budget.  When I saw the place, I noticed the neutral colors around and the ceilings were high.  So I thought red and black were perfect. My thought was centerpieces should have some height to serve as blockage to an all neutral surroundings and somehow will give emphasis to the high ceilings.  So since it was a masquerade ball, I had to incorporate masks and feathers to the centerpiece.How to achieve this I thought of using tall vases, then use twigs to make it taller and also serves to hold the feathers. My initial plan was to make at least 3 layers of feathers but then I was short of feathers, Iwas satisfied with the height of the two layers.Then put the red masks on top as if they were just there watching. kinda creepy ha.  Tables were kinda huge so I had to add more stuff.  Picture frames were perfect.  I painted them black and white put masks and feathers on it.  Black and red necklaces were added too.

To neutralize the colors in the table, I put some short red feathers  in a shot glass and arrange the red souvenir boxes in the table too.  The back drop was simple.  Black and red masks were hang in the curtain and was highlighted with red lights.  We also made huge masks which we put in the platform and the other one was in the entrance just so the guests will be reminded of the masquerade ball. What was written in the welcome board was an instruction on where the guests will get their masks, which we put  in a twig tree beside the board. 

Next concern was the day itself. Flow of the program etc.  There were flaws. This usually happens when everything is impromptu.  Some materials like the avr, cds were given like an hour before the party. Photography, people behind this came late. The host doesn't have the list of the names of the participants. This is because the celebrants were still revising their lists til the start of the party. Even the lists of the guests were given like at the start of the party. I have given all the instructions on  what where how they would do in every party of the program but then everyone was like doing his/her own thing.  The husband and wife team of Rosel and   Eric were a big help throughout. Yes there were flaws but then everything turned out fine. Seeing the celebrants and their friends enjoying the party was a good sign already.  Positive feedback from the suppliers and the manager of the place was a better sign. So  patting my shoulder for a good job but could be better if only ....

Thursday, September 4, 2014


After 7 years I was about to meet one of my girls, my best buddy from  high school  Nanet had been living in dubai for work.  Nanet and I hit it off maybe because we are on the same wavelength.  We never take life seriously, if its us together its just craziness and laughter.
We already planned way before she arrived to meet up.  When she came home though she was faced with many obligations and was prioritizing all the important things to do. So we just have to wait until she has the free time.
When she called to meet up, had to drop the appointment set on that day and headed to Vikings north edsa.  I think we were both eager to see each other because she kept on calling on my way there.

 Rose my bestfriend in college has to be there too. I actually introduced the two and  they somehow became good friends too.  

As expected, the moment we saw each other we were already laughing.  We can throw sarcastic jokes to each other and just laughed it off.  We were laughing at how we look like. Throwing jokes like how we aged a lot and so on.  Whats good about my girls is they  can take jokes, we all have this sarcastic humor and we can be just ourselves when we are with each other. Somehow we were getting the attention of others in the place because of our laughter.  But its us, like I said its craziness to the maximum when I am with these girls.  We in fact agreed that time that nothing had changed, we still act like kids.  Maybe life should be lived this way..just be kids sometimes. 


Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Labor of love. This best describes Arrons 6th birthday party. Everyone made an effort for Arrons birthday party wish.

Months before his birthday Arron had in his mind how he wanted his birthday to be like. The theme changed from mickey mouse adventure to a soccer ball themed party.  He assigned each one of us to a certain task for his party.  Nadine and I were in charge of the desserts.  After a thorough planning we decided to go for cupcakes, brownies, cookies, cake jars, fondue and lollipop cakes and of course candies and chocolates in our list for the desserts. Our next concern was how we would want our cupcakes to look like, how we going to make our soccer cookies, how and what flavors to serve and doubted ourselves if we can actually do them all at very limited time.  As planned we started baking three days before the party. So Thursday night we started baking the cookies. This one was no sweat.  Next day we couldn't figure out what to use for the cookies if to glaze or top it with fondue. We tried both and opted for fondue. So the whole day Thursday until Friday I was making and designing cookies with the fondue.  Yes it took some of our time. Friday night was a birthday dinner for the family. Coming home though was again continuation of work.  We stayed all night baking. We continued  the next day. Everyone was doing his/her task for Arrons party and we were all having fun doing the preparation.  Time was running and it seemed like we were not finishing a thing. By lunch time there was still a jar cake to do and the lollipop cakes was not forming like lollipops..funny right.  The invitation was at three afternoon.  One pm there were so much things to be done.  But then luck is on our side by 2:30 everything was set.


Guests started coming around this time.  Then the games for the kids started.  It was good to see that everyone is having fun.  After the games food was serve, the usual kids favorite spaghetti, chicken, and spring rolls on their plates and buffet snacks for the adults.   A soccer game was shown while they were in their tables.. It was a delight to see the friendship formed among Arron s pre school class. They were like in their own world busy talking, playing, running around with their happy faces.  This is why I can say that the party was a success.  I saw happy faces, 
contentment and guests smiling and laughing.  The last guest left around 9pm. 

It was an awesome party..for my part it was a joy when Arron personally said his Thank you for helping him with his party.  Such a good boy.

Post script:

By the way the party didn't end here. Soon as the guests left we started preparing again for Arrons birthday celebration with his soccer team the next day.  Its was not as busy anymore.  The party was set the next day in sunken Garden UP.  After Arrons game his team mates were treated with cupcakes candies cookies nuggets and chips.  


Saturday, March 1, 2014

41st BIRTHDAY(2014)

An advance birthday lunch in Izkaya Kikufuji;       Makati. My birthday is a week from now but because it will be a busy weekend next week the family decided to have an early celebration by having a lunch date with the family.  We went to this authentic Japanese restaurant in Makati.  It is somewhere in Pasong Tamo, a place called little Tokyo.

We arrived in the place past 1pm..its like way past lunch and yet the place was full packed. It was a mixed of people as customers majority were Japanese and Filipinos but there are Caucasians in the venue too. It only proves that food is great in this place.
True enough, food was great in  Kikufuji.            Everything, from the appetizer which was a shredded cabbage with cucumber dipped in a japanese soy sauce, their miso soup and the  sashimi with chili bits on it were great. I had a katsu-ni for main dish, and it was really good. For dessert, I opted for the sliced watermelon. Other option is their iced coffee.

Inside the restaurant you will feel the Japanese vibe around.  Maybe because of the Japanese customers and the place itself.  It is no fancy restaurant, in fact from outside you would not even notice that it is actually a dining place because except from the signage, you would only see a single small door from the facade.  Inside everything seems chaotic.  There was a bar in the middle; chefs behind the bar  cooking in front of you. I imagine that this is usually the set up of a typical resto in Tokyo.  Authentic Japanese food could be the reason why this place is bombarded.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love apart

As the vision of you appeared in my sight
I embraced my pillow so tight
And prayed so hard due to fright
Cos I dread another lonely night.

Sleepy eyes thanks for coming
Let me dream to stop this endless longing
Make it wonderful I keep on hoping
For my man whom I am missing.

On with the dreams do not make it fast
Only here we are together and not so apart
What my heart longs for what else do I want
That dream will come true and will last.

At least we can have more time to share
Then I can show my man how much I care
Protect him from the cold nights by warm embrace
And let him get over with the emptiness.

Perhaps this way we will have  each day
To just sit down and us will stay
And I will not be in a hurry to say
How much he really means to me.

Then I realized I am only dreaming
These wants keep me wondering
Because they say love is never demanding
But then again I am still wishing.

There are times when things go wrong
Just teach me to be faithful and strong
For it is hard to be apart
But man you will always be in my heart.

Monday, February 3, 2014


The whole day celebration of Brett's birthday ended in an evening dinner In Patio Vera, Marikina. My sister made a reservation for a group of 15, a family gathering. Some of the invited were at the venue when we got there.

 It was my first time in Patio Vera. I have read about it in some blogs and the reviews were most particular of the place. First thing that strucked me was the  location of the resto. If not of the staffs who were outside to help and welcome diners, I will never know that there is going on in that particular spot. Patio Vera is along a residential street and I was informed later that it was actually a  residential house turned into a dining haven.

Our reservation was an indoor table..behind was a white wall with mirrors, frames, lamps on it. I can't help but be astounded of the things surrounding the table, vintage stuffs like vintage shoes, old lamps, vintage chairs etc.These are the things I love. Even our tables, one was made of capiz windows and the other table was made of aged woods.. they just put a glass on top of it, and it was a nice piece already. I liked it so much. I was so thrilled of what to see...I was so eager to look around but then food was served already..

Patio Vera serves crackers along with a dip as appetizer.  To add to that, we ordered for gambas as we  wait for the main menu.  Chicken Binakol served as our soup.  Chicken Binakol is like a tinola only that binakol has shredded coconut on it.  Main dish includes callos ala vera, pork humba which did not pass my palate because of the taste of anise on it, chicken pipino the favorite of the group, chopsuey for our veggies and paella mariscus my personal favorite. The food I would say was superb, again I love particulary the paella mariscus.  It was loaded with seafoods  from clams to squid to prawns and veggies too.  A complete meal actually.  Dessert was the fried halo halo. It is basically like turon, but instead of just banana..most of the ingredients of halo halo like beans, ube, leche flan, banana are wrapped and instead of scrumbbled ice, they put vanilla ice cream inside.  While the guys are having their beer, we decided to explore the place.

  Luckily we met the grandson of the owner of the place so he ushered us inside the house.  I was flabbergasted with their collection of antiques. So when I commented on their huge collection, the grandson informed me that it came from their individual different collections. I fell in love again with this wood door which I was informed they  got from an old church.

As to the outside setting, there are  comfy coaches under big tents, surrounded by plants and trees and again vintage stuffs, with candles and garden lights, make an outdoor dinner cozy and or romantic if with your special someone.

The owners are very accommodating. Patio Vera is definitely among my "go to" place. I will definitely refer this to friends. No one should miss out a cozy and good food in one place... and it is just within the city. Prices are reasonable, service was satisfying and for vintage lovers like me, such a thrill to see things I love in a place like patio Vera.
Best way of ending the all day celebration of Brett, was being with the family.  I know family matters to him, so I am sure that he will consider this birthday as happy one too.