Wednesday, December 18, 2013


 December 18 2013: I was invited to watch the ISYC Christmas play. It was presented with a family wherein the kids started to ask their parents how people celebrate Christmas around the globe ...and about that time the cute performers started to sing Tagalog Christmas songs..The Filipino Christmas celebration..that was they portrayed.

 On the later part of the play, they presented the Nativity of Jesus.  The scene after when Jesus was born, the section Camel where my nephew Arron was a part of, started to sing Silent Night. And again when it is the kids performing, its always mind blowing..somehow touches the heart maybe because of their genuine singing and performances.

The after celebration of Aarons performance was in Bistro Mateo in Tiendesitas Pasig.  We had lunch and surprised Aaron with presents for a great performance. 

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