Tuesday, November 4, 2008



With nothing much to do during my auntie Memas last few days in her Manila stay, we decided to take on a long road trip to Baguio.  Our first stop, Subic freeport. We heard of Grande Island Resort in Subic so that is our first destination. It is in the middle of the Subic bay waters and will take  about half an hour to reach the resort. The resort is a haven paradise, upon reaching the place, the blue clear waters and the white sand caught my attention. Then as I explore the place it was noticeably that the island is like enveloped with century old trees like an untouched nature sanctuary. It is not though, there were some facilities for the guests to enjoy in the area.  Like they have this enormous pool in the middle of the island. Then there are chalets lined up along the beach front.
There are activities to engage in, while in the island too. Of course you can try water activities like snorkeling, para-sailing, jet skiing and more. You can also go for a trail hike around the island and see some remnants of the world war II. I have seen bomb launchers in the area. We also tried crossing to Chikita Island.  This you be able to do only when it is low tide. We tried the KTVs too as we explore the place.
                                                                              Our night time was spent by an early dinner. Then after a short rest, we went for the pool.  We did not spend much time on the pool because it was freezing and besides we also have an appointment for our room service spa.
It was just a one day stay in the resort, but we maximize our stay and tried to enjoy what it has to offer. Before leaving the island we also tried their pastries and coffee in the port.  Another thing that makes this trip unforgettable when the captain of the boat allowed me to maneuver the boat for few mins.                                                         So after Subic, we are heeding for our next stop, we thought of food trip in Isdaan, Tarlac. Fun!

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