Papas 78th birthday was a simple and intimate celebration of the family. It was his wish to celebrate only with the family. His idea was to have a long table in one room, where the family could talk and get bonded. Somehow we were able to grant his wish but since we don't have enough room, we extended tables to the garage and in the backyard. Nevertheless, the family were able to talk and had a fun night.
Started out with a prayer from auntie Ida, giving thanks for all the blessings, for blessing papa another year, and for that moment that the family were able to spend another celebration. Then we sang the birthday song but before the blowing of candles, papa had a short message for everyone basically thanking the family for coming and making his birthday more special. Later part of the party, they started singing their old favorite songs. Auntie Sayong, auntie Thelma Mapes and auntie Mayet offered songs for the celebrant. The others sang and or chanted with them. The last guests left at 1 am.